E hau haere ana te rongo o Te Tatau o Te Arawa
Ko te aronga nui a te pātuitanga i waenga i a Te Arawa me Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua he tuamaka i ngā taura here i waenga i a rāua anō.
Ko tā Te Tatau o Te Arawa, i whakatūria ai i te tau 2015, he whakarato, he whakakanohi hoki i a Te Arawa whānui i te pātuitanga ki Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua ki te waihanga me te kumanu i tētehi taiao tika me te pono e puāwai tahitia ai te oranga ā-oha-pori, ā-ahurea hoki o Te Arawa, o te iwi Māori me te hapori whānui tonu i te rohe o Rotorua.
I te marama o Tīhema 2015, nō muri mai i tētehi whakaritenga 18 marama te roa, ka whakanuia e te hapori o Rotorua te whakatūnga o Te Poari o Te Tatau o Te Arawa me te waitohunga o te whakaaetanga pātuitanga i waenga i a Te Arawa me Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua.
Whakatinanahia ai e te whakaaetanga nei ngā hiahia o Te Arawa me Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua kia whakatūria tētehi pātuitanga matatū e ngangahau ai ngā rā kai tua o te awe māpara mō te hapori whānui tonu.

Te Tatau o Te Arawa is building momentum
The Te Arawa Partnership, between Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council aims to strengthen both entities relationship with each other.
Te Tatau o Te Arawa, established in 2015, is on a mission to serve and represent Te Arawa whānui and to work in partnership with Rotorua Lakes Council to create and foster a high trust environment to achieve enhanced socio-economic and cultural prosperity for Te Arawa, for Māori and for the wider community in the Rotorua district.
In December 2015, following a robust 18 month process, the Rotorua community celebrated the inauguration of the Te Tatau o Te Arawa Board and the signing of the partnership agreement between Te Arawa and the Rotorua Lakes Council.
The agreement embodies the intention of Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council to establish an enduring partnership which creates a future that benefits the community as a whole.
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