Ko wai mātau?
I whakatūria Te Poari o Te Tatau o Te Arawa i te marama o Tīhema 2015. Inā te hirahira o tēnei ekenga i Rotorua, otirā i Aotearoa whānui.
Kua neke atu i te 20 tau a Te Arawa me Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua e ngana ana ki te whakaū i te tika me te pono e whanakehia ai tētehi pātuitanga matatū i waenga i a rāua anō.
Waihoki, ko te wawata nui hoki tērā kua roa e hiahiatia ana; kia whakawhanakehia te whai wāhitanga tika atu a Te Arawa ki ngā whakatau a Te Kaunihera. Nō muri mai i tētehi whakaritenga 18 marama te roa, i whakanuia e te hapori o Rotorua te whakatūnga o Te Poari o Te Tatau o Te Arawa me te waitohunga o te whakaaetanga pātuitanga i waenga i a Te Arawa me Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua i te marama o Tīhema, 2015.
E whakatinana ana te whakaaetanga nei i ngā hiahia o Te Arawa me Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua; kia whakatūria tētehi pātuitanga matatū e ngangahau ai ngā rā kai tua o te awe māpara mō te hapori whānui tonu.
Who are we?
The Te Tatau o Te Arawa Board was established in December 2015 marking a significant achievement for Rotorua and Aotearoa | New Zealand.
For more than 20 years, Te Arawa and the Rotorua Lakes Council had attempted to strengthen trust and build an enduring relationship between each other.
At the same time a deep desire to develop appropriate Te Arawa input into Council decision-making had been quietly simmering under the surface. Following a robust 18 month process, the Rotorua community celebrated the inauguration of the Te Tatau o Te Arawa Board and signed a partnership agreement between Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council in December, 2015.
The agreement embodies the intention of Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council to establish an enduring partnership which creates a future that benefits the community as a whole.

Tō Mātau Tūruapō
Kia toitū te Oranga Tonutanga o ngā Kāwai Tāngata, te Ahurea me te Tūranga i te rohe o Te Arawa.
Tō Mātau Koronga
E rima katoa ngā whāinga matua a te pātuitanga:
Kia whai wāhi nui atu a Te Arawa ki ngā whakatau a Te Kaunihera
Te whanaketanga o te rautaki me te kōmitimiti e tautohu nei i ngā āheinga kia tapatahi te haere mō te oranga nui o Rotorua te take.
Te whanaketanga o te rautaki me te kōmitimiti e tautohu nei i ngā āheinga kia tapatahi te haere mō te oranga nui o Rotorua te take.
Kia pai ake te whakawhitiwhitinga kōrero, te wānangananga hoki
Kia pai ake tā Te Kaunihera whakatutuki i ana ōhākī ki te iwi Māori
Tā Mātau Tauākī
Kia whakarato, kia whakakanohi hoki i a Te Arawa whānui i te pātuitanga ki Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua ki te waihanga me te kumanu i tētehi taiao tika me te pono e puāwai tahitia ai te oranga ā-oha-pori, ā-ahurea hoki o Te Arawa, o te iwi Māori me te hapori whānui tonu i Rotorua rohe.
Te Tauira
14 katoa ngā mema i kōwhiria rā e Te Arawa kia toru tau te roanga o te noho i te poari ki te ārahi i te pātuitanga, kia tū hai māngai hoki o ngā reo kanorau o Te Arawa.
E tū ana ngā mema hai māngai o ngā ohu whai pānga katoa o Te Arawa, ka mutu, nō te whānuitanga o Te Arawa rātau. E whai wāhi ana ngā koeke, ngā rangatahi, a Ngāti Whakaue, ngā hapū me ngā iwi o Te Arawa, ngā tarati whenua Māori, me ngā kaporeihana hai huihuinga hinonga o Te Arawa.
Our Vision
Sustainable, intergenerational Well-being of People, Culture and Place within te rohe o Te Arawa.

Our Purpose
The partnership has five key objectives:
- To strengthen Te Arawa’s participation in Council decision-making
- Strategic & Integrated development that identifies opportunities to work together for the betterment of Rotorua.
- Build Te Arawa’s Capacity and Capability to participate in Council decision-making
- Improve communication, kōrero and information sharing
- Improve Council’s delivery of its obligations to Māori
Our Mission
To serve and represent Te Arawa whānui and to work in partnership with Rotorua Lakes Council to create and foster a high trust environment to achieve enhanced socio-economic and cultural prosperity for TeArawa, for Māori and for the wider community in the Rotorua district.
The Model
Te Arawa elected a board of 14 members for the next three years to guide the partnership and represent the diverse voices of Te Arawa.
Our members represent Te Arawa’s collective interest and are made up of a broad cross section of Te Arawa. This diverse group includes Koeke (esteemed elders), Rangatahi (young people), Ngāti Whakaue, Te Arawa hapū and iwi, Māori land trusts and incorporations as well as pan Te Arawa entities.
14 katoa ngā mema o te poari o Te Tatau o Te Arawa.
Te Tatau o Te Arawa is made up of 14 board members.
Pānuitia ētehi anō kōrero mō Te Tatau o Te Arawa
Read more about Te Tatau o Te Arawa.