Te ara Rotorua Reorua

I te 11 o Ākuhata 2017, ka whakarewaina e Te Tatau o Te Arawa me ōna hoa tautoko a Te Kaunihera o ngā Roto o Rotorua me Te Puni Kōkiri, te kaupapa Rotorua Reorua kia tū ko ia te tāone reorua tuatahi i Aotearoa. He tāone e tautoko ana, e whakatairanga hoki ana i te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā.

Neke atu i te kotahi rau tau i te 25 o te marama o Noema 1880, ka waitohungia te Kawenata a Penetana e Te Karauna me Ngāti Whakaue, ko te mutunga mai ko te tukunga o ngā whenua i whakatūria ai te tāone o Rotorua. Nā te Kaiwhakawā Matua Francis Dart Fenton te kī i taua wā tonu ko tā te pātuitanga he whakawātea i tētehi wāhi mō ngā tāngata katoa. I whakapūmatia e ia tāna i kī ai i tana kōrero “Hei oranga mō te katoa.” I matapaea i tēnei pātuitanga tētehi tāone hou me ngā tūmanako, ngā wawata, ngā āhuatanga tāpoi me ngā wheako ahurea e pōhiritia ai te ao whānui.

Ko tā te kaupapa Rotorua Reorua he whakapūmau i ngā wawata i tukuna iho ai e ō mātau tūpuna, mā te whakawhanake i ngā āhuatanga ahurea ahurei i whakatauria ai mō tēnei tāone te take.

Hai oranga mō te katoa.

The Rotorua Reorua journey

On 11 August 2017, Te Tatau o Te Arawa, with support from its partner, the Rotorua Lakes Council and Te Puni Kōkiri, launched Rotorua Reorua as the first Bilingual city in New Zealand. A city in which we support and promote both te reo Māori and English language.

More than a hundred years ago on 25 November 1880 the Fenton Agreement was signed between the Crown and Ngāti Whakaue, gifting the lands on which Rotorua city was built. Chief Judge Francis Dart Fenton announced at that time the partnership would provide a place for everybody. He solidified this intent in his statement “Hei oranga mō te katoa”. Envisioned in this partnership was a new city with hopes, aspirations and unique tourism and cultural experiences that would welcome the world.

Rotorua Reorua allows us to strengthen the aspirations put forth by our tīpuna (forefathers), by building off the unique cultural value proposition of our city.

Hai oranga mō te katoa.

Ākona Te Reo Māori | Learn Te Reo Māori


E waimarie katoa ana mātau i Rotorua nei i te nui o ngā āheinga ki te ako i te reo Māori – kanohi ki te kanohi, mā te ipurangi, mā ngā taupānga rānei – Kai a koe te tikanga!

Mēnā koe ka whakaako karaehe reo Māori i Rotorua nei, tēnā, whakamōhio mai ka tāpirihia ai tō akomanga ki tā mātau rārangi!


We are very lucky in Rotorua to have a myriad of options for learning te reo Māori – in person online or through apps – You choose what’s right for you!

If you provide te reo Māori classes in Rotorua, please feel free to let us know and we can include you in our list!

Akomanga ā-kanohi ki te kanohi | On location classes 

Kōtihi Reo Consultants
Tikanga Aroaro (based in Rotorua)
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (locations nationwide)
Te Ataarangi (locations nationwide)

Taupānga | Apps

Te Pumanawa iOS Android
Tipu Te Reo Māori iOS Android
Kura iOS Android
He aha tēnei? iOS Android
Memrise iOS Android

Ngā whakaahua | #RotoruaReorua Gallery

He pēhea te āhua o te kaupapa Reorua? Koia ko ngā tohu, ko ngā tāngata hoki e whakaemi nei i te reo Māori i te wāhi mahi, ki te kāinga, ki ngā papa tākaro, ki te kura, ki ngā wāhi katoa. Whakaaturia ō whakaahua i te pae pāpāho pāpori (pae pāho-pori) mā te āpitihanga


What does Reorua look like? It’s signage, it’s people embracing Te Reo in the workplace, at home, at papa takaro/playgrounds, at kura/school, anywhere and everywhere. Share your whakaahua on social media using #RotoruaReorua

Wāhi mahi reorua | Reorua workplaces

Kua hīkina kētia e ētehi wāhi mahi me ētehi tōpūtanga te wero kia reoruatia rātau. I te 2018, i whakarewaina tētehi tohu pakihi hai whakanui i te reoruatanga i te wāhi mahi, mā konei e whakanuia ai ngā tōpūtanga kua ū ki te whakaemi i te reo Māori.


Organisations and workplaces have already taken up the wero to become Reorua. In 2018, a business award celebrating Reorua workplaces was launched and casts a spotlight on the organisations that have embraced Te Reo Māori so far.

Tohu Rotorua Reorua

Kai ngā pakihi o Rotorua te āheinga ki te whai wāhi atu ki te Tohu Pakihi Reorua ki te Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards.

I te tau 2018 ka whakaurua ki te whakawhiwhinga taonga nei te tohu mō te ū ki te kaupapa reorua.

I taua wā rā, ko tā te kaiwhakahaere mātāmua o Rotorua Chamber of Commerce, arā ko tā Allison Lawton i kī ai i hāngai te whakawhiwhinga taonga pakihi reorua ki tā Rotorua whāinga kia tū ko ia te tāone reorua tuatahi o Aotearoa.

“He hirahira ki a mātau kia whai tohu e whakanui nei i ngā whāinga ahurea a iwi kāinga o tēnei tāone. Mā tēnei tohu hou e whakapūmautia ai te motuhaketanga me te uara o te mana o Rotorua hai tāone reorua, ka mutu, hai whakatairanga i ngā āheinga ō-roto atu i tō pakihi, i tō tōpūtanga rānei.

Inā te harikoa o Te Tatau o Te Arawa i te pātuitanga ki te Chamber of Commerce ki te kōkiri i Te Tohu Reorua hai wāhanga o tana whāinga ki te whakaū i te tuakiritanga o Rotorua e tū nei ko ia te tāone reorua tuatahi o Aotearoa.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards

Rotorua businesses have the opportunity to compete in the Bilingual Business Award at the Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards.

The tohu recognising dedication to reorua (bilingulism) was introduced to the event in 2018.

At the time, Rotorua Chamber of Commerce chief executive Allison Lawton, said the bilingual business award fitted well with Rotorua’s goal to become New Zealand’s first bilingual city.

“It is important to us to have an award which highlights our city’s cultural goals. This new award will recognise the importance and value of Rotorua’s bilingual city status, as well as displaying bilingual opportunities within your business or organisation.”

Te Tatau o Te Arawa, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, was pleased to champion the Reorua Award as part of its goal to strengthen Rotorua’s identity as New Zealand’s first reorua (bilingual) city.

Read more…

Papa tākaro reorua | Reorua play areas

Kua whakatūhia te papa tākaro Reorua tuatahi o Rotorua, o Aotearoa hoki i te wā o Matariki. Tirohia a Taikākā, e pātata ana ki Teletubby Hill i Paepaehakumanu.

Hai wheako pai ake, mātakina ā mātau kiriata e whakaatu nei i ngā tikanga o ētehi kēmu Reo Māori pārekareka.


The first Reorua playground in Rotorua and Aotearoa opened during Matariki. Check out Taikākā, located near Teletubby Hill in the Government Gardens. For an even better experience, watch our videos showing you the rules of some fun Reo Māori kēmu (games).

Mātakitaki mai!